REAM, Elmer Washington - D.D.S. - Putnam

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REAM, Elmer Washington - D.D.S.


Source: History of Montgomery County, Indiana. Indianapolis: AW Bowen, 1913, pp 8 23-824.

The dental profession of Montgomery county has an able and popular exponent in the person of Dr. Elmer W. Ream, of Crawfordsville, who has acquired a very high order of ability, believing in the most progressive method s, and he has left nothing undone nor spared any expense in preparing hims elf for this important field of endeavor or to equip his office properly in order to insure the highest grade of work possible in the briefest time. He is evidently of a decided mechanical turn of mind and more or less of the artistic temperament, so it is not to be wondered at that he has met with unusual success in his chosen life work. Added to this natural bent is his industry and perseverance, being willing to put forth any effort in order to learn a little more of this, one of the world's most important and useful professions. Then, too, he is a gentleman of integrity and a uniform courtesy which have won for him a wide circle of warm friends since casting his lot with the people of Montgomery county some years ago. Dr. Ream was born in Huntington county, Indiana, on the old home farm, October 31, 1862, being the scion of an excellent and well establish ed family in that section of the Hoosier state. His parents were David and Delilah Ream, who spent their lives successfully engaged in general agricultural pursuits in the above named county and there they passed to the eternal rest many years ago. They were honest, hard-working people w ho were liked by all their neighbors. It was on the old homestead in Huntington county that Dr. Ream spent his boyhood days and grew to manhood, and there he made himself generally useful during the crop seasons when he became of proper age, and during the winter months he attended the district schools. After a good general education he, having long fostered the ambition to be a dentist, entered the Ohio College of Dental Surgery, at Cincinnati, where he made an excellent record and from which institution he was graduated with the class of 1890. Thus well qualified for the vocation which he early decided to give his life forces to, Dr. Ream at once came to Crawfordsville, Indiana, and bought out the office of Dr. G. S. Clements at 231 1/2 East Main street, and h ere he has since been successfully engaged in the practice, building up a large and lucrative patronage. Politically, he is a Democrat, and in religious matters a Methodist. Dr. Ream was married in February, 1892, to Lulu Brewer, a daughter of Squire Brewer and wife, a highly respect ed Crawfordsville family, and to this union five children have been born, namely: Lulu Fern is teaching in the Wilson building in her home city; Vincent R., Mora Bell, Martha, are all attending high school, and Paul is in the graded school.   --- kbz

Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana July 22, 1898

Ream returns --
E.W. Ream the dentist of Crawfordsville, who has been in NY the past month taking a post graduate course in dentistry, will return and be in his office Monday, July 25.   ---kbz

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